“Always be kind If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them someone is being ignored find a way to include them If someone has been knocked down, lift them up. Always remind people of their worth. Be who you needed when you were going through hard times.” (anonymous)
By Keri Bowers w/ connection & collaborations with our brilliant writers, artists, and friends…
Ordinary people make society a more just and peaceful place with simple acts of goodness. Ordinary people become extraordinary when consciously choosing to be at the cause of healing, love, and kindness.
With blessings all around us ~ earth, sky, water, food, nature, plants, earthly creatures, children, family, friends, art, love… when we remember & practice gratitude we wake up to our part in creating P E A C E and a better world ~ in the now ~ and in the future.
We invite you to join the Art of Autism and our art-full friends in creating a more peace-full, beautiful world. Please reach out to the artists & poets who supported and shared their works in this month-long Poems & Art for Peace Initiative. They & we thrive on your feedback and love.

By: New Love Frequency & Evie Toovey
Earth Love,
Heaven above
Intertwining love;
I send the innocent souls into heaven above.
Into elaborate decisions
A bed in Animal Kingdom;
Earths angels pray watching our ways;
Staring at this our earthly atrocity.
In the arms of no man’s land.
“Needy” energy in heavy insanity.
Beams ripping the seams
It’s seen better earth
With no human BE’ing’(s)
illuded love in horrendous gloves
In reaper love
Hacking control is not stability!
In heaven love will not abandon, or treat lamely;
Beings beams of Earth Conscious
Birthing Nest
Into the future of planetary rest.
In heaven angels singing ceremonially
Deep into beams
Of light
and love
beam into intelligence
and calling you and me to trust in love
and be light.
We will win this together
So, win this love right!
Benevolence in our heart
Is our art.
It’s ‘GOD’ energy
In our pineal
So, meditate for real
Love Seed

From Seed to Sapling
By Morgan @TheAutisticPoets
A tiny little seed,
A flower yet to grow
From seed to sapling
There’s so much you don’t know
The world is all sunlight and rainbows
To you, and your innocent eyes,
Nothing could stand in the way of what you want,
For even when the sun sets, there’s stars in your eyes
A tiny little seed,
A flower yet to grow,
From seed to sapling,
There’s so many places to go
You have not yet felt the pain,
Of what life is really like
Because you’re at the stage, I used to be,
When nothing is out of sight
There is no mountain too high for you
There is no valley too deep
There is nothing you cannot do,
If you just believe
A tiny little sapling, a grand tree in the making
A flower yet to grow, a forest left alone
You bloom brighter than the flowers, you shine brighter than the sun, you hold your head up to the sky, even when it’s all coming undone
Even when the world turns against you, you just need to know
From seed to sapling I watched you grow
Into the person
I’m so glad to know

By Angela Weddle
A sign in the middle of the wilderness says Utopia. All the standard jokes are made. From the backseat, I am informed that Utopia is racist. Of course, it is. As I am asked to pass for…white. I am not sure if these are jokes. I nod, not in agreement but in autistic record keeping.
For now, I will look at the cows standing in the drought-low waters of former great rivers. I will paint them later. I will snap an idyllic photo in a place of ideals it can never live up to.
We will drive on through hills and creeks and into the clamor of the city. The false peace of Utopia will give way to engines of commerce. I will think about the sign, a giant rock. Utopia is a burden. I am asked to pass again, this time as neurotypical. This time not as a joke.
To create a utopia for those who say they work for peace. Where is my peace?
I shouldn’t have reached out…ships are sinking from my loose lips, but I cannot stop speaking in this drought.
Drowning in ideals of friendship, nourishment, connection. I twist and turn inside resisting within. Silently screaming.
I twist and turn in my sleep, finding no utopia in my dreams. I wake up. There is no utopia.
There is only this peace I create from chaos. I call it art. I call it autism.
I am not disconnected. I am plugged in…to there, to here, to your promises, to your failures, to the red flags. I burned my white flags. There is no surrender.
My peace does not come from utopia. It comes from the wildly sublime discomfort of living, from the harsh beauty of reality, my reality. They told me I was not realistic. Well, neither is their Utopia.

By SB Madison
You never know what you’ll see
When observing the state of the human condition
With most in various states of submission
The stakes may be high
But we all tell the lie
We are happy with our complicity
Happy with our complicity?
Observed the state of the human condition?
Noticed the various states of submission?
Can’t we stop telling the lie?
Aren’t the stakes set too high?
Because YOU will never know which you’ll see.

He Wanted to Say
By Linish Balan
He wanted to say…
I love sunset
I dream of freedom
I feel your love
He wanted to dance
Like a peacock
He wanted to sing
Like a hummingbird
Colors started to say…
Story of his journey
Poem of his soul
Dream of his heart
Colors started to dance
In his rhythm
Colors started to sing
In his tune
Colors communicate
Colors heal
Colors bring peace
Peace brings life

By CarolAnn Edscorn
Humming. Breathing. Pausing.
Humming. Breathing. Pausing.
Quiet. Inside.
Not really.
Heart pulsing,
Breath filling cavity,
Bones crackle and creak with
The least movement.
But, oh, the brain, the mind!
Such noise!
Quotes from books.
Words from lyrics.
Expressions swirling from films.
Conversation memories.
Such noise!
Humming. Breathing. Pausing.
Body chooses action!
Head nods.
Shoulders sway.
Stand, rise, minute evolution.
Right hand lifts and, circling, begins a
Circle dancing, graceful fingers
Arch, stretch, rotate.
The body follows those fingers.
Humming, breathing. Pausing.
Pitch becomes a tone.
Tone becomes a chord.
Tones become a melody.
The melody and the body
Music and stars and sunlight shining
Through trees.
I become the light shining.
The Art of Autism continues our 4th Annual Poems & Art for Peace Initiative throughout September. Look for and share our upcoming blogs! Thank you for making our world a kinder, gentler place. P E A C E to all.
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. For more information visit:
Header image Evie Toovey “G-d Energy” from Diorama & Clay Creatures & Futurized Dying Planet Earth made by the hands of Evie’s love