By Ryan Smoluk
I would really like a slice if normal right now.
In some strange way I think I am more prepared to cope with the isolation than most, as long as I have an art project I’m good.
I hope when this pandemic is all over we have some serious mental health programs put in place.
Created on iPad Project
When corona first hit early spring, I was in the middle of a new art project with the Art of Autism and Apple Computers.
It was my first foray into the digital art world and technology.
I found it exciting to explore the new dynamics of the iPad and software. It was fascinating to see how digital technology gives the art a totally different effect (which I like).
I enjoy working in the new vibrant colour system of digital technology.
I was able to complete the Created on iPad project, and some of my art was chosen to be exhibited in an online exhibit despite corona.

When the Going Gets Tough … Plan B
We are now several months into corona and my art supplies are running low. I have five projects on the go including a large electronic installation piece that is 42” x 45” titled “Flying Blind” that is just about finished.
I was shocked to see our local art stores are running out of supplies, the shelves are pretty sparse.
Could it be everybody has taken up painting right now?
When the going gets tough people have to get creative. With the knowledge I have just acquired from the Apple project I am going to make a career change; for now!
I am going to continue on producing more digital art, I’ll keep you posted.
Open Studio Nights
Sadly because of Corona my studio is now closed to the public.
Open nights used to be so exciting. I always looked forward to connecting and talking with others in the community.
I am worried sick about losing my studio. Like so many other artists this is a very trying time. Where am I going to put all this artwork if I have to move?
My studio is in a busy section of the arts district in Winnipeg. In the summer time there is a steady flow of visitors, on any given open studio night I might have between 50 to 100 people coming through. I miss those evening so much!
Grey Zone Series
In the past couple of years, I have enjoyed working on my Grey Zone series which I’m very proud of. They are a series of monochromatic paintings, using acrylic paints and many types of Gel mediums.
I have perfected my own style. In some areas the paint is so thick that the painting looks like it has been hand-carved, creating an interesting 3-dimensional effect.

Acrylic on wood panel, mat gel medium

acrylic on wood panel, mat gel medium
The Mayberry Fine Arts Gallery
2019 was a very productive year for me. The highlight was my art show ALCHEMY at the Mayberry Gallery.
It was a huge honour to have my art recognized by such a high-profile gallery. All the guys were genuinely so supportive, some of nicest people you will ever meet.
I was ecstatic at the end of the show when the directors told me they had a record attendance.
They were so pleased they said they would like to continue to show my paintings from the GREY ZONE series. That was great news!
La Maison des Artistes Gallery
In September 2019 I had some of my art on exhibit in a show called “ TAKE 2”, curated by Arts Accessibility Network Manitoba
was really nice to connect with other creative artists that share the love of the arts. It was a pleasure to meet the executive director, Jenel Shaw.
She was so helpful and gave me some really good advice, she said “Ryan you really need to get out more”! She’s right, I do!
New Website
I’m so proud to reveal to you that my new updated website is now up and running
I hope you like it!