Header Image: Kabir Vernal “Coloured Hands” Hand imprints of Kabir Outlined and Coloured in using Acrylic Marker Pens on Ivory Paper. Kabir is a 10-year old mostly non-speaking child who loves playing with sticky textures, colors and the process of creating art.
This is the Art of Autism’s last post in our 7th Annual Art and Poems for Peace project. The United Nations International Day of Peace is September 21. This years theme is End Racism. Build Peace.
Please share our posts and art on social media and join the world to envision a world of peace. See all the art submitted here and the blog posts here. Hashtags #Theartofautism #peaceday #peaceday2022

Nishant Sriram has learnt to do yoga asanas. He he has depicted the energy he receives from the Sun.
By Ishaan Holloway
The sun shines brightly,
The sky is a beautiful shade of blue,
The summer breeze caresses my face,
The sounds of Summer are all around,
I feel alive!
And Autism is momentarily forgotten,
As I see God’s beneficence at work.

Nishant Sriram sits in the sun for a few minutes every day and soaks in the warmth and takes in the vibrant kaleidoscope in the sky at sunrise and sunset.
Prithvi Ramkumar, Age 21

2 More Poems by Ishaan Holloway
An advocate needs optimism,
He needs strength,
And hope,
To fill the fearsome gaps,
Opinions need to be aired,
And mistakes accepted,
The first move is the most difficult,
But nothing is impossible,
No matter what comes my way,
I will overcome and succeed!
I tried to control myself,
I did my very best,
But my mind did not listen,
Somehow I need to make myself hear,
So that the good wins over the bad,
And my soul can live in peace.
The Art of Autism is grateful to all our contributors. Please continue to share. See you next year!