March is Women’s History Month, March 8 is International Women’s Day, and the week of March 6 is Women’s Week. Over the next few days The Art of Autism will be honoring 21 autistic women who are making a difference. Read Part 2 here. Read Part 3 here.
According to a 2016 Scientific American Article autism looks much different in girls than boys. Girls are much harder to diagnose than boys and are often misdiagnosed, receive later diagnoses or no diagnosis at all. Females on the spectrum are much more able to mask their autism than boys are.
The Art of Autism is grateful for the many autistic women who contribute to a better understanding of autism in females through their writing, their art, and their advocacy. These women are unafraid to tell their stories and share their insights. All of these women are making a difference in the autism community and are contributors to our project.

Temple Grandin is the most widely known autistic woman in the world. This year she was named to the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Temple is a scientist, an author, a speaker, and an inspiration to many. Temple has been generous with her support for artists on the autism spectrum and The Art of Autism project. One of her passions is helping autistic people become employable.
Jennifer O’Toole is an author, motivational speaker, and creator of Asperkids LLC. She was diagnosed in 2011 after her sons and daughter were diagnosed. Jennifer has been involved in the arts since age 2 and the arts has been important to all her children. She is an Art of Autism Advisory Board Member.
Carly Ott is a technology project lead for national bank and is President of Autism Society of America Ventura. She is also a board member for The Art of Autism nonprofit. Carly didn’t get her diagnosis until she was 28 years old and credits that moment with changing her life for the better.
April Dawn Griffin is a talented Canadian artist who has blogged for the Art of Autism and is generous with her art and commentary. She is the single parent of four children – three who are on the spectrum. Her blog about gender identity issues in females on the spectrum is a popular blog on the Art of Autism.
Alix Generous is a professional speaker, neuroscientist, author, artist, consultant, comedian, and media producer. As an active participant in the autism movement, her TED talk “Communicating my inner life with Asperger’s” has received over 1.4 million views. She works in media production and is currently writing and illustrating her first book. Alix Generous recently participated in an Art of Autism townhall and is an Art of Autism Advisory Board member.
Leanne Libas is a young writer, student and autism advocate. Leanne started advocating after a life-changing experience at YLF (Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities). Leanne was an Autistic Scholarship Fellowship Recipient from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Leanne has one of the most popular blogs on the Art of Autism – Breaking Out: My Story and is an Art of Autism advisory board member.
This is Part 1 of a 3 Part Series. See the women profiled in Part 2 here.