Sarah: Single Mom, Pencil Artist, Composer, #Aspie

Autism Unveiled Week 5

Sarah portrait 2 B&W

“Who am I, and how is autism part of me?”

Ironically, that is exactly why I drew this particular self portrait (below) to begin with–because I didn’t have the words.

Sarah E. Vaughn "Self Portrait"
Sarah E. Vaughn “Self Portrait”

Sarah’s art:

Sarah E. Vaughn "Endless Expresso" Pencil
Sarah E. Vaughn “Endless Expresso” Pencil
Sarah E. Vaughn "The Romance of Photogen and Nycertis"
Sarah E. Vaughn “The Romance of Photogen and Nycertis”
Sarah E. Vaughn "Crown of Thorns"
Sarah E. Vaughn “Crown of Thorns”

Sarah E. Vaughn, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Sarah’s website is

Sarah is part of the Autism Unveiled Project – 6 weeks of posts from people on the autism spectrum commencing on April 2, 2015, World Autism Awareness Day.

2 replies on “Sarah: Single Mom, Pencil Artist, Composer, #Aspie”
  1. says: Lindsay

    Your drawings are amazing! The amount of detail you capture with a pencil is incredible. How long does it take you to complete a drawing?

  2. says: Sonnet

    I love your art work. I find pencil to be a ver hard medium to work with. I also would love to know how long it takes to finish a drawing.

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