“Because the world needs ALL of its Mozarts.”
MozArt@OMA is a unique and inspiring exhibit of music and synesthesia-themed art that was scheduled to be showcased in April at Oceanside Museum of Art (OMA). Because of Covid-19 the exhibit was cancelled and MozArt@OMA will be a series of online exhibits featuring Southern California artists curated by the Art of Autism in partnership with the San Diego based nonprofit Mainly Mozart. OMA has posted a gallery here.
Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense is simultaneously and spontaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses. Sometimes synesthetes join objects such as letters, shapes, numbers or people’s names with a sensory perception such as smell, color or sounds. Many of the artists in this exhibit join color with emotions, attributes, and shapes to create their art. This exhibit is part of Mozart & The Mind which explores the limitless potential of the human mind across all its manifestations “because the world needs to hear ALL of its Mozarts.”
Our first gallery features art works of Alex Nichols, Nicholas Kontaxis, and Syance Wilson. Our second gallery is here. See our third gallery here. See our fourth gallery here.
Alex Nichols

“Music makes me feel like I am in a different world. I like the rhythm. I want to make my weavings look like they have rhythm.” Alex Nichols
About Alex

Alex Nichols (Encinitas) is a freestyle weaver who follows the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, which represents embracing imperfection. Using a Saori loom and various hand weaving techniques, Alex creates wild and free wall hangings mixing textures and vibrant colors using yarn and unconventional materials such as strips of fabric from clothing like Aloha shirts, wire ribbon, jewelry, and toys. Alex is an artist with special needs who expresses himself through weaving and painting.
Nicholas Kontaxis

About Nicholas

Contemporary artist Nicholas Kontaxis (Rancho Mirage) creates large-scale abstract paintings, characterized by a riot of primary colors. The 23-year-old’s personal background is also especially distinct. Kontaxis was diagnosed with an extensive brain tumor that has resulted in him suffering over 50,000 seizures throughout his life. The title of each painting tells his story and gives insight into his playful character.
Syance Wilson

About Syance

Syance Wilson (Bakersfield) can see designs and patterns that others can not. She selects random songs that she likes (from both her Ipod and YouTube) and draws the images that she thinks represents those songs based on the key they are in and the rhythms they have. Syance has also created her own art movement. “ I call my house drawings “Randomosities” because I am making fun of random objects. I intend to make “Randomosity” a new art movement.
Could you possibly let me know where I could submit my Autistic son’s artwork. I think he has some original cartoon characters that would definitely be worth someone taking the time to look at. He obviously was a big fan of Stan Lee. Thank you for your time in advance.
You can email [email protected]. Thank you!
Wow its amazing… very colorful and attractive…. I like very much…
We are Navkshitij – Home for Mentally Challenged Friends. Our special friends also makes Candle, Greeting Cards, Painting, Lantern, NaturalColor, Compost, Seed Balls, Paper bags, Chocolate, Jewellery etc etc…. We have a range of activities, carefully designed to cater to the physical and mental needs of the mentally challenged friends.
These pictures are amazing! Very impressive. The artists of these pictures are truly talented.
I work at a autism day school in Chicago and we just received a set of quads with autism and they don’t have any funding. My administrator is so passionate about helping parents out but she’s going to go bankrupt as she’s beginning to help out more than she have money coming in. However, she is gifted with helping these kids. I’ve remarkable changes she’s made.
Does anyone know of any resources you can suggest to get funding for the kids without insurance? The YMCA that sent them to us kicked the quads out. But she wants to help them.
Please Help! Thank you for any resources you can provide.