Women’s History Month, March 2020
Curated by Kimberly Gerry-Tucker
The Art of Autism invites autistic artists to submit depictions of a woman you admire. Past, present, fictional or nonfictional; even cartoons are welcome.
PRIZES AWARDED in two categories: Under 18 and over 18. All submissions will appear on the Art of Autism Facebook page throughout March (Women’s History Month). Winners will win Dick Blick Gift Certificates.
Deadline for submissions: preferably by the end of February 2020, but will consider accepting images throughout the first three weeks of March.
Please include your age, name, and an Artist Statement with an explanation why you chose this woman; which can be typed in the body of the email or sent as a Word attachment.
Please send good quality image(s) of your art submission(s) any media to: [email protected] We will be judging only on the images presented. You can keep your original art.
If I had to pick a woman I admire it would be hard to narrow it down to just one. For this reason, multiple submissions are encouraged! Besides, women are awesome so let’s honor as many as we can, in paint, clay, paper or any other medium. All will appear online in celebration of women during March.
Here are just a few women/females I adore: the Gerber baby, Buttercup (from the Power Puff Girls cartoon), Maya Angelou (she was mute for a period in her life and later splendidly found her voice) and poet Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Last year this contest was only open to ‘younger artists,’ but this year the contest has expanded to include adults as well.
Some of last year’s artwork depicted Indian Goddesses, Lady Gaga and even “J-Lo,” by one of our contest winners.

This is an international exhibit!
Are songs written and performed by an autistic singer-songwriter allowed?
For Women’s History Month? You need to email Kimberly and ask her.
Hello Deborah. Thank you for your interest in the contest. Please do submit your art to me at [email protected]. Does your song celebrate a woman you admire? If so, send it and I’m sure we can post it on the Art of Autism FB page with the other submissions sometime during March. Songwriting/ singing is definitely an art form.
I submitted my piece! I cannot wait to see everyone’s work!
I sent in a few works for this show. Just wondering when I might hear back or see the accepted pieces online?
I think they are being shared on The Art of Autism FB page.