The Art of Autism is proud to announce the winners for the 2nd Annual Women History art contest. Thank you Art of Autism Board Member Kimberly Gerry-Tucker who curated this exhibit during the month of March, Women’s History Month, on The Art of Autism Facebook page. We were overwhelmed with the number of entries. Thank you all who participated!
This year we had two categories: 18 and under and over 18. Here are the winners:
First Place (over 18) Molly Rose “Grandmother the Actress”

Second Place (over 18) Ronaldo Byrd “Stephanie Joanne”

Third Place (over 18) Joel Anderson “Amadala Leia”

First Place (18 and Under) Ryan Chee “Depiction of Grandma”

Second Place (18 and Under) Kaedyn Carmon “Open Your Mind”

Third Place (18 and Under) Amal A.S. c/o Akhila Sunil “Florence Nightingale”

Each of our winners will receive a gift certificate from Dick Blick. The Art of Autism hopes you all keep creating!
Great to see the women artists represented in this contest.
My favourite was Open Your Mind, closely followed by the pencil sketch of Florence Nightingale.