Love Beyond Convention and Appearances
Header Art: M. Mithum
Whimsical is the effect of this, our final Art & Poems Series 2021. See all blog posts here. See all art submitted in 2021 here. Of all the many submissions this year, those included herein exude themes of hope beyond sight, love beyond convention, and a natural, inherent peace – when we truly ‘see’ – often found in this magical place called autism and diversity.
As we challenge ourselves to be in a world of unreal reality, the hope for peace depicted within the following art and words beckons us to know a place we can go when we need solace, calm and peace. May we spend time within the eyes we look into, and the hearts of those we love, and through those wise eyes and hearts, become softer, more gentle, kind, and present in the world.

by Maria Iliou
Wisdom is love
Pureness within
Our innocence’s
Dancing fairies
Role play within
The Angels
Teaching messages
Reliving our patterns
Through light of
Melody in tune
Within life experiences
Beyond our wisdom
Connecting our
Hearts of beliefs…believing in
Our true self
We are higher souls

Like a Flashlight
by Noah Curren
And I thought some stuff for Peace like Love, the peace fingers, flowers and dove.
I thought of Pooh and Piglet cause they lived in peace in their home.
Both Spider-Man’s Peter and Miles bring peace to their city fighting bad guys and crime.
The Paw Patrol bring peace to Adventure Bay and Adventure City when they rescue their friends and citizens, and foil Mayor Humdinger and other bad guys plans.
I want to put the new member Liberty on there but her colors are kinda complicated, so I drew Everest and added something to make it look like she’s wearing her new Adventure city suit and I know she and Tracker doesn’t have one right now.
When I see Ribombee in Pokémon they look they’re in peace in the wild and with trainers like Mina.
I put the purple emoji on Oopsy’s Belly Badge cause he can draw things for Belly Badges and since he’s a Care Bear. But I’m going to make stories that Oopsy’s Belly badge came to life and he gets Belly Badge powers and powers the Care Bears never have like Invisibility,
Bio electric shock, glowing, fur can turn yellow and flash some light like a flashlight, and others and Oopsy goes on adventures with his Care Bear and Character buddies.
I put SpongeBob on there cause he’s a peacekeeper in Bikini Bottom.
And I put Bob the minion on there when he said Boo Yah in the peace group.
I thought about putting the Smurfs in the picture, but I ran out of room.

Beside the Pond
by Carol and Scott S.
I want to stay beside the pond
In the grass and
Listen as the wind rushes through the trees!
The breeze is cool and
I come alive as the sun warms my bones.
I want to stay beside the pond
Where the birds and
Squirrels run through the grass, looking for seeds
The hunt is on and
I can see the sights of nature through my eyes.
I want to stay beside the pond
In the sunshine and
Feel at peace as if all is right and good.
The shadows grow and
I can hear the supper bell ringing in my mind.
I want to stay beside the pond
Where all is calm and
Clean, as if pollution nowhere came
And Loud was hushed away. Then
I can see the world alive and know that all is fine.

Sam Varghese is relatively new to photography, starting just a year back. He is partially verbal and can type. While his mother shares with us that Sam usually does not reveal much in his mind (in words), we see emotionally thoughtful images, beautifully framed, that share more than words alone might say.
World Peace Video Visual Artist: Wan Jamila a.k.a. Artjamila, Poem & Voice Over: Jemima Shaiful Music background: Nature by MaxKoMusic

Art by Devansh Maurya, words by Veena Singh
When we special parents reimagine the post pandemic world, we reimagine an inclusive world where our children can go out and play without us fearing they’ll take off their masks; enjoy a swim without the fear of the deadly virus. Where they would have an inclusive school irrespective of their academic abilities; they’ll have a friend to lean on when they get overwhelmed in the class; they’ll have playdates and birthday parties where people will not stare at them with wonder and pity; where they have a safe space to work and earn a day’s wage with their head held high. Till that day comes we are going to work harder every passing day to make that day a reality.

by Maria Iliou
You are autistic
You are diagnosed autism
I love you so
Be observing
Tranquility within nature
Listening to silence
Be still in moment
Be open minded
Knowledge is hiding
In my pockets
Open the door…welcome
Within my inner self
My inner soul
Come in…learn with me
World of my wisdom
You visualize my gifts
Emerges through
Within my own design
I stand strong
Within my own power

Debarghya Chaudhuri, a happy and energetic teenager from Gurugram, India, loves painting landscapes and abstracts. He is on a journey for independence despite the challenges of autism. All of 16 years Debarghya is searching for his purpose through his art.
Just like any other teenager he is testing boundaries, challenging authority, being rebellious and anxious in these uncertain times. His art is raw, pure, untamed celebration of his energy. He paints with conviction and force and is strong headed in what he wants to create. The results are often spectacular.

According to Wikipedia, “World peace, or peace on Earth, is the concept of an ideal state of happiness, freedom and peace within and among all people and nations on Plant Earth. Within this idea of the world, nonviolence is one motivation for people and nations to willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that has this objective. Different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying concepts on how such a state would come about.
“Various religious and secular organizations have the stated aim of achieving world peace through addressing human rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, or diplomacy used as an end to all forms of fighting. Since 1945, the United Nations and the five permanent members of its Security Council (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States have operated under the aim to resolve conflicts without war or declarations of war. Nonetheless, nations have entered numerous military conflicts since then.
“As we have seen year-by-year, acts of war and horror occur as daily reminders humans hurt humankind. As peoples of the earth, we have fallen short of the aims of peace as initiated by the United Nations, and yet we – you and us – can all play a small role in seeking peace in our daily lives and by our living actions with those we love, and those with whom we disagree. The Art of Autism endeavors to bring peace to all we do. It is a purpose we aim for, and hopefully achieve in your interpretations of the work we do. Thank you for following our 2021 Peace Project. We appreciate you.”
Thanks to Art of Autism Board member Keri Bowers who for the sixth year has compiled a great series!