United Nations Video: Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination

United Nations World Autism Day

“People with autism are asking for two reasonable things – acceptance of their difference and respect for their difference,” Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen, March 31, 2017

There are an estimated 70 million people on the planet who are on the autism spectrum. Last Friday the United Nations reaffirmed the rights of autistic people – including equal opportunity, self-determination, and as equal contributors to the United Nations 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. The emphasis was not on a specific day but on what we must do each and every day to ensure autistic people’s full participation in society. In 2006, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities was adopted. Today, there are many people living with autism who are denied specific human rights. Many people with autism are manipulated by people who think they are friends. One-half of all people with autism stay home because they fear they will be abused.

“As civilized nations we are failing to protect the rights of people with autism,” Simon Baron-Cohen

Below is a 3-hour video that addresses some of these issues. The Art of Autism is adding it to our archive as we feel this is an important video. We encourage all autistic people, educators, parents and caregivers to watch this video. Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen is the keynote speaker and the video includes presentations by many experts including autistic people and their parents. The discussions address the following subjects: Supported vs. Substitute Decision Making, Individual Milestones and Learning Capacity (which includes the road to independent living; dating, marriage, and parenthood); and vocational training and employment. The United Nations embraces the Human Rights model of disability.

“Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination”
31 March 2017, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
United Nations Headquarters, Economic and Social Council Chamber
New York City, New York

Visit the United Nations website to view participants and their bios.

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