#Autistic teen chronicles his journey through poetry and photography

dark tunnel

By Mikey Allcock

My journey is through my years in my mind. It is my poem. I have put photographs with it so others can make a dream.


I saw dark tunnels

dark tunnel

It was an adventure
I opened the door


to an empty room
I climbed the stairs


I found darkness


I opened the door

empty room

to an empty room.

Windows for stories


spooky spaces

spooky spaces

old telephones

old telephones

creeping wet places.

wet places

Holes to stand in

Holes to stand in

I open the door

open the door

to an empty room.

empty room

I read the signs

read the signs

stiff jacket hanging

stiff jacket hanging

feel the ghost crying

feel the ghost crying

in the empty room.
Big heavy doors

Big Heavy Doors

where the light is shining

light is shining

and inside the door
my empty room.

Mikey in an empty room


Born in Cambridge UK in 1998, Mikey Allcock is autistic, a pianist and an artist. Inspired by his enthusiasm for architecture and towers, Mikey began to paint buildings in 2014. Always free-spirited and unassuming, Mikey enjoys playing Beethoven on his piano and hopes one day to have his own art studio. He created this poem Fort for his Art and Design Diploma as part of ‘journey’ assignment. The photographs he either took himself or directed his sister to take. Mikey participated in The Art of Autism Autism Unveiled Project in 2015.

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