The Art of Autism thanks all the artists who contributed to our 3rd Annual Women’s History Month Art Contest in March 2021.
This year we had more submissions than ever. Thirty-five artists participated, some with many entries.
Thank you curator Kimberly Gerry-Tucker for curating this exhibit that was online on Facebook. The winners were chosen by the Art of Autism Board.
Each person on the board submitted their 3 choices in each category and Kimberly Gerry-Tucker compiled the list.
Gift Certificates to Michael’s for winning entries are provided by ArtLifting and The Art of Autism.
We are proud to share the winning entries.
Under 18:
1st: Sophia Kagan

“Autism in women isn’t talked about as much as autism in men, which is why for so long I did not understand how autism impacted me. This year has been a period of personal discovery about my autistic identity.This portrait isn’t as much about me as it is about conveying the beauty of autism in women. This painting depicts the beauty of autistic women. The colorful abstract elements in the background symbolize the amazing things that can come out from being autistic. I used a multitude of colors to express the colorfulness and diversity of neuro-diverse individuals. I mixed abstract with more realist styles in my work to show that autistic people have access to “autistic superpowers” that are unique to them.”
2nd: Victor Bevanda

3rd: Sophie Gonzalez

Under 18 Honorable Mentions:
Zalie Copeland

Ishan Guha

Over 18:
1st: Ana Valle Ocando

1st: John Williams

2nd: Hayley Yeager

“I chose Belinda Jones to be my admiration for Women’s History Month because she was my special needs aide in school. She assisted me from sixth grade at Samuel Ogle Middle School up to my tenth-grade year at Parkdale High School. From the beginning of my sixth-grade year, I was struggling a great deal with my classes. I did not understand much of what my teacher wanted me to do. When Mrs. Jones started assisting me, I felt more confident because she was able to show me how to complete each task.
Mrs. Jones helped me take notes for lectures, understand the instructions for classwork and homework, and create a study guide for tests. I would not be at Bowie State University right now if she had not assisted me all those years.”
3rd: WenofZen (W.E. Powers)

Honorable Mention:
Sydney Edmond