Sibling PerspectiveDecember 3, 2021<May 6, 2022 Autism and the Hidden Realities in our Everyday Lives by admin “Synesthesia is a gift but it is also a beautiful language that needs its own translation.” Jeremy Sicile-Kira The essay below was written by…
Art of Autism Past Projects, Womens History MonthApril 11, 2021<March 1, 2023 The Art of Autism announces Women’s History Month 2021 Art Contest Winners by admin The Art of Autism thanks all the artists who contributed to our 3rd Annual Women’s History Month Art Contest in March 2021. This year…
Art/MusicApril 10, 2021<April 10, 2021 All Without Words: A Jazz and Art Project inspired by Justin Morell’s autistic son by admin Last year, jazz composer and musician Justin Morell contacted the Art of Autism about his project All Without Words. Justin had composed jazz music…
Art Gallery, Art of Autism Past ProjectsMay 14, 2020<June 11, 2020 MozArt@OMA Gallery II by admin “Because the world needs ALL of its Mozarts.” MozArt@OMA is a unique and inspiring exhibit of music and synesthesia-themed art that was scheduled to...