By Debra Muzikar
Happy Autism Acceptance Month.
Yesterday, World Autism Awareness Day, cake decorators from 21 countries revealed cakes that were inspired by autistic themes. They came together using their talent to shatter misconceptions and bring awareness to Autism. Some of the cakes were inspired by autistic artists who participate in the Art of Autism project. I wrote about the unveiling of this project last month. The cakes were revealed on the FB page SugarArt4Autism. Within hours a 1,000 people had liked the page as the cakes were shared through social media. At the end of the day their FB page had 2500 likes! The Art of Autism has also been sharing the cakes on our FB page as well.
I will share some of the cakes and will continue updating our gallery below of these beautiful cakes, many inspired by autistic artists who participate in the Art of Autism collaborative.
Ryan Smoluk who is an autistic artist who resides in Canada’s painting was the inspiration for the cake below.

Temple Grandin says “cake decorating is a wonderful way of turning autistic talent into a career.” We asked Justin Canha, who is a cake decorator and is also autistic to participate in the project. Here is his cake based on his painting of wolves.

Jacqueline Van der Wal from the Netherlands was also inspired by Justin Canha “Wolves” and created these 3 cakes.
Some of the cakes were inspired by other things such as this cake by Melanie Williams from the U.K. inspired by the book and play “The Curious Incident of the Dog and Night” and Dina Nakad’s Card Therapy Cake.

Artist Stefanie Sacks was thrilled to have her art replicated into this cake. Her message is “Eye Contact is Overrated”

Some of the art was inspired by children of the cake artists. Meet Caleb whose art inspired the cake by his mom Liz of Time of Tiffin in the U.K.
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Cover image Art by Trent Altman, cake by Tanya Halas.
See also #AutismSweets blog post.