New Book: Parent’s Guide for Smile & Succeed for Teens

Smile & Succeed

The Companion Guide for Smile & Succeed for Teens

By Debra Muzikar

I reviewed Smile & Succeed for Teens about 18 months ago. Last month I received another copy in the mail along with a new companion Parent’s Guide for the original book. I highly recommend these books for not only teens but adults on the autism spectrum. It is notable that Temple Grandin endorses these books.

Parents Guide for Smile & Succeed for Teens

The author Kirt Manecke, who has had a 30-year career in marketing, business and sales talks about both books with Shannon Penrod on Autism Live. One thing I didn’t mention in my original book is that Kirt also has an impressive history as a volunteer. The importance of volunteering and techniques for fundraising (which I can use myself) are covered in this book.

We all know that finding a job can be challenging, especially if you are on the autism spectrum. The Parent’s Guide contains 24 role-playing and other activities, including electronic etiquette, social, job and volunteering skills. Parents can use this to help their son or daughter learn the skills their teen or young adult need to land a job. Smile & Succeed for Teens includes role-play mock job interviews, electronic and social media etiquette, and much more.

I highly recommend this book not only for teens but adults as well. Both books are available online at To use the Parent Guide you need the original book. The website contains many free resources such as putting together a reference list, creating a cover letter when seeking a job, and many other “freebies.”

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