My two kids: wonderful and #Autistic

Emily's chldren

By Emily James

Emily James

Imagine a life where the sun off the snow seems too bright.

Where the noise of the radio makes you shudder rather than dance.

Where the taste of chocolate makes you gag rather then exclaim in delight.

Imagine the hug of a loved one makes you cower.

A kiss makes you shrink, the scent of a rose makes you sick.

Then imagine a world where there are expectations too high. Expectations of a simple hello. Of a how do you do. A hardship in being able to simply react to social nuances. Where all seems overwhelming and all encompassing.

However realize that I am more sensitive to your feelings. That I am able to see things that go to you unobserved.

That I can smell the scents of flowers that you may walk by.

I AM ABLE. Not disabled.

Please try to see my differences. I may learn different. I may see different. I may taste and feel different.

But I am a person; I am your son, daughter or grandchild. I am the future.

And I am incredible.

Emily's chldren
Emily’s chldren

Emily James is the mom of two kids on the ASD spectrum, Jaxon age 7 and Aliya age 4. She says “they are my everything and my inspiration.” Emily submitted this poem for the Autism Unveiled project. Since the Autism Unveiled project is autistic people talking in their own voice I thought it better to post separately. The Autism Unveiled project starts Feb. 18 and ends on April 2, 2015, World Autism Day.

2 replies on “My two kids: wonderful and #Autistic”
  1. Sensitive and clear, insightful and filled with compassion: “… an act of feeling with another…”

    “I am your son, daughter or grandchild. I am the future. And I am incredible.” These remarkable souls ARE our future and a blessing to us all. They mirror back to us our harshness, our insensitivity and our skewed notions of what is real.

    Thank you Emily!

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