An Art of Autism interview with Elaine Hall, acting coach for the Netflix series Atypical
How did you become involved with the series Atypical?
Casting Directors for the series Atypical called me at The Miracle Project seeking actors with autism to portray actors with autism on Season 2 of the series.
Why did Atypical decide to include autistic actors and actresses?
The creator of Atypical, Robia Roshid and the other writers of Atypical are dedicated to authentic portrayal of individuals with autism. This season they purposely wrote characters with autism to be peers with the lead character Sam. Robia fosters diversity and is committed to changing the way the world perceives disability.
How were the actors and actresses chosen?
The actors and actresses from The Miracle Project interviewed and auditioned among a broad talent search. The casting directors received hundreds of inquiries. The actors and actresses were chosen for the talent, professionalism and wonderful distinct personalities. At The Miracle Project, we work on acting technique, self confidence, self-advocacy, interview and auditioning. They brought their unique personalities to the casting call and their talent rose above the others.
What can we expect this season because of the new actors and actresses?
I feel you can expect to see Sam dealing with many of the very things that our older teens and young adults deal with i.e. leaving home, seeking a career path, getting a job, dealing with money issues, etc.
Can you provide any antecdotes about your experience?

Elaine Hall