Call for art work for new book featuring autistic artists

Deadline extended – Amanda is still looking for artists.

Call for Artists for Art Without Boundaries, a new book featuring autistic artists

If you are on the spectrum and you are an artist or an aspiring artist, this is a great opportunity to share your work. It is also an opportunity to share your story and help other people understand what it means to be on the spectrum.

Please submit drawings, paintings, or pictures of constructions or any expression of artwork you would like to have published to Amanda Duggan – .  All levels of artwork and all ages of participants are encouraged and accepted. This artwork will be published in a book along side your story.

Once the book is published, interest in individual artwork will be directed to the artist directly if you so choose. I will forward any information if someone is interested in purchasing a piece.

After telling us about yourself you can choose to answer some or all of the questions below so we can learn more about you. This is only a suggestion if you want help in writing your story.

When and why did you begin doing art?
How do you express yourself through your artwork or how does art help you express yourself?
How is your personality reflected in your art?
Describe your style of artwork in five words.
What is the biggest challenge you face professionally?
What would you like to be doing in five years?
What led you to get into doing art?
What is your favorite type of art and why?
What are your biggest challenges with your artwork?
What piece are you most proud of and why.
What inspires you?

About me:

My name is Amanda and I am a single mother of six year-old twins Emma and Shaun. My son was diagnosed with autism at three years of age. Although he struggles in certain areas of his life, he never ceases to amaze me, make me laugh and give me unconditional love. His sister Emma is equally amazing in her own right. She is currently attending a Spanish immersion school that is keeping both her and I on our toes. When I am not with them I am also an ICU nurse. This kind of work has a way of keeping me humble and appreciative of what I have on a daily basis. A big part of nursing is education and I hope this project will help participants earn additional income while educating the general public on what it means to be on the spectrum.

Art work in header is by Shaun, Amanda’s six year old son.


11 replies on “Call for art work for new book featuring autistic artists”
  1. says: Julia Witmyer

    Hi, my name is Julia Witmyer and I’m applying for this project but I would like to know when the due date is for submission.

  2. says: Sonja

    So you get free artwork and any money made from the book itself?

    Sounds like it isn’t the best deal for autistic artists and gives the appearance of taking advantage of them. At least comic artists get page rates and residuals from reprints. You will give contact info to interested people instead of payment along with a contract agreement for use of the work. Seems like a bad deal for the autistic artist to me.

  3. says: Justin Gilroy

    Hello, my name is Justin Gilroy. I have high functioning autism, or Aspergers. I have always enjoyed art, from drawing and painting to writing fantasy and making comic strips. I also draw a lot of science fiction and fantasy to go along with my written stories.

  4. I will be submitting my daughter’s information and art via email. Dana is 25 and has Down syndrome and autism. She cannot care for herself, cannot read, write or speak, but has found a voice in acrylic painting. Students with special needs are not allowed to take art electives grades 6-12 in public schools across America. Only when a studio for adults with disabilities opened did we discover her abilities. Dana is prolific. She has painted over 260 paintings in 2 years of going to a studio once a week for 90 minutes. Dana is the first-ever artist with special needs to be given her own gallery art exhibit in the South. Her exhibit “Beyond Barriers” was displayed 2 months in Huntsville AL this past spring. Will be exhibited in Atlanta, GA for 3 months this fall and will be in Nashville next year.

    1. Hi Janet~ I just saw a piece in FB news feed about Dana. That is so fantastic that she has learned to express her own voice through her paintings!!! I have a grandson, now 6, whom is Autistic that also found his voice through colorful expressions. He started painting at 2 1/12 yrs old and before the age of 3 had his own solo exhibit @ The Texas Artist Museum in Port Arthur, TX. For an additional year after that his work displayed along side several other adult artist. His third showing was at the Heritage House in Orange, TX. With several other Art Walks and online sales all the monies made afforded him a great deal more therapies each week. At 4 1/12 yr old he spoke his own words! From one artist of the ‘South’ to another God’s Blessings to your Dana.

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