The Art of Autism recently had a call out to autistic entrepreneurs (artists, authors, etc.) for The Art of Autism 2018 Holiday Gift Buying blog post. Below is a list of those who responded and others with books who have recent blog posts. If you are on the autism spectrum and have art, jewelry, a book or product you’d like to sell, feel free to comment below. Remember when shopping align your values with your purchases. Share on Friday Nov. 23 #BlackFriday
Baylie Nixon has a collection of autism-related jewelry on her Etsy site – Bao Treasures. Each piece is a story. On the piece below each larger bead is painted to represent a symbol of inclusion, neurodiversity, disability, and education.

Grace Goad sells original art and art cards – Visit
Alex Nichols has one-of-a-kind textile art. Visit his website at Alex Nichols Freestyle Weaving. I was at an event in September where Alex sold a ton of his one-of-a-kind art.
Anthony Lee Weng Choong sells a variety of art work – including originals and art on t-shirts, mugs, etc. (Note this is in Malaysia)
Kevin Hosseini sells original art, giclees, prints, and art cards. Follow him on FB.
Joel Anderson has a Zazzle shop full of products such as cards, mugs, and other products. He also sells his books and original art on his website here.
Jeremy Sicile-Kira has original art and prints. He also takes commissions. His website is
Austin John Jones website is He sells originals and prints.
Tanja Ackerman is a syanesthete who sees sound. She is a photographer, poet, and artist. Her website is
David Rubin sells his art work online. He sells his work for $50 – $100. Email [email protected]
Tracey Cohen, Six Word Lessons on Female Asperger’s Syndrome
Tom Iland, Come to Life: Your Guide to Self-Discovery
Holly Bridges, Reframe Your Thinking About Autism
Samantha Craft, Everyday Aspergers
Kimberly Gerry-Tucker, Under the Banana Moon: A True Story of Living, Loving, Loss and Aspergers
Colin Eldred-Cohen, The Fire Truck Who Got Lost
Popcorn for the People sells popcorn and sends it across the United States. They hire all people with developmental disabilities.
John’s Crazy Socks was started by a person with Down Syndrome. They sell crazy socks! They are also offering a $3,000 scholarship to someone on the autism spectrum. You have to design a pair of socks. Deadline Dec. 15, 2018.
Do you have a product to sell? Please feel free to add your website in the comments.
Header image: Textile Art by Alex Nichols
Remember The Art of Autism on #GivingTuesday. We are only able to pay autistic bloggers through Facebook Birthday Donations. Donate Here.
Jeremy Sicile-Kira has prints for sale. Also Jeremy can paint a commissioned portrait of you or a loved one, or you can get a gift certificate to offer to someone.
To create a portrait, Jermey can connect with you via facetime or skype, or in his studio in San Diego. For more information, go to his website or contact me (his mother) via the website.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Jeremy Sicile-Kira’s website is :
Hi Have a look at to read about Josh’s journey with Autism. Josh sells his remarkable book off his website, good DHL rates for international postage. Best Christmas present ever!
Austin Jones sells his artwork at Check it out and order online.
Tanja Ackerman is a multi media Artist. Expressing herself through painting, photography, drawing, music and writing. Tanja has the gift of Synaesthesia. When hearing music and natural sounds she enjoys a complex visual, sensory experience. Creating from a unique perspective as a Synaesthete Artist she captures and shares the powerful experience of seeing sound. Through her art Tanja shares her curiosity, inspiration, passion, daring and her profound love affair with music. Come and SEE the music @
Writing on behalf of my cousin J.A. Tan from He is an artist with autism, based in Canada. Now available perfect for the holidays are his SCARVES – wearable art – fashionable scarves featuring his paintings! If you’d like to order one or two or three, please email [email protected] Click here to see what it looks like >>