Art of Autism Poems and Art for PeaceSeptember 28, 2020<September 28, 2020 The Art of Autism’s 5th Annual Art & Poems for Peace Initiative 2020 – Series IV by admin Say My Name Compiled and Curated by Keri Bowers, this is series is dedicated to Lady Liberty and Ruth Bader Ginsberg. True peace is…
#ActuallyAutistic Perspective, Covid19July 10, 2020<July 10, 2020 The Covid-19 Lockdown makes me the Best Version of Myself by admin I have never been better off than in these times of Corona. And I’m not the only one; in the online autism groups I’m…
#ActuallyAutistic Perspective, Mental HealthMay 17, 2020<May 17, 2020 Autism and Eating Problems by admin By Martine Mussies “Armansky’s star researcher was a pale, anorexic young woman who had hair as short as a fuse, and a pierced nose…