I live in Melbourne, Australia and have been exhibiting and selling my art since I was 8 years old. I sculpt, draw and paint. I love working with foam, pipe cleaners, clay, and plasticine. I sew dresses for my 3 dimensional figures.
My imagination, ideas and thoughts are always so busy in my mind.
As much as I would rather do all my expression through my art, I actively now try to make an effort to communicate with family, friends and the wider community. At 16 years of age, I am getting much better now with my sentences and talking to people.
Although it is much easier to walk past and treat all these people like they were trees. I now understand it is not the way forward. However, for me it is still so much more rewarding and easier to communicate with art, rather than having to verbalise.
I recently auctioned one of my paintings to help a friend raise money to speak at the APAC Autism Conference in Singapore this year.
I have now begun work on a series of paintings and figures for an exhibition in November, 2019. I am very happy with my first painting “Kira the Viking”. The colours are strong and vibrant. I think I may continue this theme of strong colour and maybe strong woman for other pieces in this exhibition.
I tend to work fairly quickly, I generate a lot of art pieces, decide which ones I am most happy with, then add small details, make slight changes, maybe add a 3-dimensional element. I am self-taught, and love the challenge of creating something interesting and eye-catching from very little.