The Art of Autism is an all-volunteer nonprofit. We have earned from Guidestar a Gold Badge for Transparency. This page was last updated in 2018. For current financial statements email [email protected].
Below are our Financial Statements thru 6/30/2018 and EIN Documentation. All donations are tax-deductible.
The Art of Autism Balance Sheet (6-30-18)
The Art of Autism Income Stmt thru 6-30-2018
How has the Art of Autism financially benefitted autistic artists and authors in 2018?
In the first eight months of 2018 through our compensation for neurodivergent bloggers initative the Art of Autism has paid 25 autistic bloggers over $1,500. The money comes from FB birthdays.
Artists who have participated in our exhibits have made over $8,000. We’ve displayed art from 23 artists in different venues.
Our online DRLC/Art of Autism art contest has allowed us to pay $400 to 7 neurodivergent artists. 34 artists participated in the art contest.
Through the Exploring Diagnosis project four artists have earned $1,000 each and have been mentored by professional film creators. Upon delivery of their products in 2019 they will each be paid an additional $1,500 each.
Through our partnership with Apple Computers 7 autistic artists were given Ipad Pros to create their art.
Through our partnership with the Autism Santa, 4 autistic children were given art sets.
At the Skirball Theater for the play “A” Train in 2018, 8 autistic artists and authors were allowed to have free booths and sell their art and books. Eleven artists art was displayed in the play.
We negotiated a licensing fee for one artist.
We continue to share art on our FB page, in our online galleries and through blog posts on the Art of Autism.
We are an all-volunteer entity. Please consider donating to our nonprofit.