By Angela Weddle
To my 19 year old self after quitting college,
I want you to know that you are not a failure.
You don’t know it yet, and won’t until you’re 29, but you have Asperger’s Syndrome, Non-Verbal Learning Disability, Fibromyalgia, Congenital Brain Damage, and oh yeah, all of those motor apraxias and the seizures you had as a child – Cerebral Palsy.
You are so strong. You don’t have to settle for anyone in a relationship. Yes, you will have relationships.
You don’t have to jump off that overpass, but you will.
And you will live. But that’s later.
You will have friends. Real friends. Friends that will be there for you.
Your dream of being an artist isn’t over.
The world doesn’t hate you. And you will stop hating the world.
You will become a locally and internationally known artist. And your autism, your disabilities, all the things you think you can’t do, you can. All of the things that you think make you a failure will contribute to your success. You will succeed.
You will have your own apartment. You will be self-sufficient. You will gradually figure out this thing called life.
You will experience happiness. It’s possible. Stay in the game for the long haul. Remember, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for.
Me at 32.

Angela Weddle is a locally and internationally exhibiting visual artist, illustrator, and poet, originally from New Orleans, LA, currently in San Antonio, TX.
The Art of Autism is accepting Dear Me letters and videos from people on the autism spectrum and their parents for the Dear Me Project. Email theartofautism @