For Autism Acceptance in April, Art of Autism contributors across the United States and Canada explore digital art as a new medium using iPad with Apple Pencil. What they created was amazing!
Over the last few weeks, participants have been creating new forms of art on iPad. Though some had previous experience with iPad, most artists had not previously worked with Apple Pencil to create art. This is the 2nd gallery that The Art of Autism is posting during the month of April, Autism Acceptance Month. The 3rd gallery is here. The first gallery is here.
Frank Louis Allen

About Frank

Frank Louis Allen who resides in Fort Wayne, Indiana is a partially-sighted artist on the autism spectrum who is slowly losing his vision to a disease of the retina.
“Having never had an Apple device before, I found drawing on the iPad to be especially intuitive. Everything from turning the page to zooming is so easy to control and natural. I especially enjoy the digital app Procreate and the freedom it gives me to incorporate other media like my photography as textures and layers.”
D.J. Svoboda

About D.J.

Growing up D.J. was teased and bullied. These negative experiences inspired D.J. to create the land of Imagiville; a safe place in his imagination where everyone is treated kindly and accepted just the way they are. Through his art, and public speaking he brings Imagiville and the Imagifriends to life and uses them as a vehicle to spread a message of hope, inspiration and awareness that those with autism and special needs are special just the way they are.
“It was quite fun and exciting to do Art on the iPad for The Awesome Created on iPad Project. I do admit that it was a bit tricky to do at first, but after getting the hang of it I sure did enjoy it and it was a lot of fun to do! Thank you Apple for this very awesome and incredible opportunity!”
Rebecca Caruso

About Rebecca

Art saves me every day. I use visual art (painting and photography, primarily) to communicate what I feel and experience without words and complex social rules mucking things up. I work in multiple media and love exploring new materials and relationships. I recently started painting again, as a form of meditation. I’ve struggled a lot in this world and creating is a balm.
The iPad and Apple Pencil have restored access to materials I have missed for so long while living with autoimmune disorder and caregiving. I spend a lot of time in bed or on the couch and it has been transformative to be able to access so many materials digitally. I miss getting my hands dirty but I’m amazed at how I push myself differently, in new directions, using my iPad.
Ryan Smoluk

About Ryan

As an artist I am always looking for new ways to create art and experiment with new creative mediums. When I was chosen by the Art of Autism and Apple to use Apple technology to create artwork, I was excited and nervous. I was excited to try a new medium but nervous about whether I would have the technological knowledge to complete the project. In the beginning I struggled, but I found the more I played with the software the more comfortable I became and the more I began to experiment and play with the technology to produce these three images. The Apple Pencil mimicked holding a paint brush or pen which made me feel comfortable. I was able to zoom into sections of the image to create more intricate detail, something that can’t be done with traditional paint and canvas. Using this technology allowed me to easily erase sections and redraw them. This experience has greatly added to my repertoire as an artist. I plan on using my iPad to create even more art.
TinaMarie Nelmes

About Tina

This is the first time I have ever worked on any digital art. It was a fun and exciting new experience for me! At first, I was concerned that I would not be able to keep within my style of art. But to my surprise, it opened a door to be more creative. It still feels like I’m drawing on paper. I especially like the ability to undo a mistake, which I was not able to do once I put ink down on paper. I also like the fact that proper lightning around me is not such an issue anymore since the artwork is illuminated. The fact that I can do different layers which gives me the ability to protect certain steps during the drawing process is helpful.
I also like the numerous amounts of brushes, textures and color palettes which provides unlimited colors and shades. Never running out of ink is a plus within itself. All these factors make it much easier for me. Now I can take my drawing with me almost anywhere, since my big drawing easel would have to be left at home. I like the pen, it feels like the ink pens I used to use, it feels very natural in my hand. Thank you Apple for this creative opportunity!
Hi there,
Love this website, and came across this ‘created on iPad’ page. Wonderful artwork! I was wondering how our Daughter, (age 15) who was diagnosed last May, could contribute her work? She has been drawing since she was 1 years old! Over the past year, she has been very busy drawing every day on an iPad with the Apple Pencil working in Procreate app. Would it be possible to send a few of her works to share with you? She goes by the name of Franums. Many thanks, Gina Holmes, UK
Sure Gina! Email [email protected] We like a bio and a photo of the artist and if she can write something about her art that would be great.