What the movie Deej means to me as a non-speaking autistic man


By Jeremy-Sicile-Kira

Truly this movie could have been written by me. Greatly as a film about advocacy, this one truly tells what it is like for my brethren who are mostly nonverbal who cannot always control their feelings or senses or physical movements. Like Deej’s mom, my mom helped me get out of darkness and finally I was able to show the world my intelligence. This film correctly demonstrates how people like me can be included and heard. I greatly very much love this movie.

Frankly the idea that Deej could go on a trip with his cousin shows that Deej, like me, has dreams just like any other guy of travelling with buddies or young relatives –  not just our parents.   Frankly Deej and I are lucky because we each have family that advocate for us until we are able to advocate for ourselves. Frankly Deej’s film shows that we can be included. Those who do not have parents like ours, need our help to come out of the darkness.

The movie Deej aptly shows the isolation we sometimes feel; and that others need to be educated only about the belief that we are competent in order for us to be less isolated.

This film should be required watching by school administrators who believe that we are only capable of learning the basics.

Watching Deej go to Oberlin early in order to get ready to attend the college was nerve-wracking for me to watch. I frankly felt his worries. Although I know he does well in college and  in the end graduates, frankly watching his worries I felt them myself and had to stim to stay calm. Greatly Deej’s fortitude to overcome his fears was beautiful and Inspiring to see.

Truly the film director, Robert Rooy, insisted in showing the fatigue Deej’s mother suffered because dearly dreams cannot come true for people like Deej and I unless moms or dads are truly committed to making the dream a reality; meaning one parent greatly has to spend time and energy to make the dream a reality until a team can be organized. “Inclusion shouldn’t be a lottery” as nicely Deej says, but the lottery is also really about: what kind of parent do you end up with?  Or more precisely what lottery do you have to win to get parents that both Deej and I were lucky to end up with?  In my case I won the lottery at birth; In Deej’s case he won the lottery through adoption.

Truly Deej is a movie about a person who is  a thinking human being who greatly truly is just wanting a life like anyone else.  I justly hope that people watch this movie and greatly understand what our lives are like when we have understanding educators and communities.

Truly frankly I hope this movie encourages more understanding and opportunity for those who so far have not won the lottery. Thanks Deej, for persevering to make this movie.

About Deej

“Abandoned by his birth parents and presumed incompetent, DJ Savarese (“Deej”) found not only a loving family but also a life in words, which he types on a text-to-voice synthesizer. As he makes his way through high school and dreams of college, he confronts the terrors of his past, society’s obstacles to inclusion, and the sometimes paralyzing beauty of his own senses. In his advocacy on behalf of other nonspeaking autistics, he embraces filmmaking and poetry, and discovers what having a voice can truly mean.”

Deej has won awards at many film festivals.


Jeremy painting

Jeremy Sicile-Kira Bio:

Jeremy Sicile-Kira is an award-winning 29 year old artist with autism who communicates by typing. He graduated from high school with an academic diploma. After a few semesters at Mira Costa College, he discovered his true love: painting. In August 2012, Jeremy began to communicate about the dreams he was having: dreams that he was painting the emotions of people he had met into colorful abstract portraits. One night he had a dream that he painted ten of his paintings and had an art show. He was encouraged to paint in real life. In April 2016 his first curated solo art show was held San Diego and was covered by local and national media, resulting in a sold-out show and 24 private commissions. Currently, Jeremy meets clients at his art studio or via skype, and paints their portraits.  To know more about Jeremy or to see some of his artwork, visit https://www.jeremysvision.com/

Artist Statement:

Truly my life has been given meaning by the discovery that I have synesthesia: I translate the emotions of others into beautiful and colorful paintings in my dreams. My dreams were justly given the light of day when my mom encouraged me to paint my dreams five years ago.  Now, I meet people in person or online and translate their emotions into abstract portraits.  My ability to paint the colors I see in my dreams is the greatest gift I have. I truly only paint a person’s joyful colors. I nicely believe if I capture their greatly happy colors into a portrait of their true self that they can look at every day, they will behave as great beautiful beings.

Readers may also like poetry by DJ Savarase – Ode to the Bathtub

One reply on “What the movie Deej means to me as a non-speaking autistic man”
  1. I really enjoyed this blog. So many people believe being quiet (nonverbal) is synonymous with having no opinion. And nothing to say. That’s not true as this insightful blog shows.

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