The Art of Autism is excited to announce the winners of our Women’s History Month Art Contest. Thank you to Art of Autism board member Kimberly Gerry-Tucker for curating this year’s exhibit. Thank you to our sponsor ArtLifting for providing gift certificates to winning entries. Thank you to all who contributed to this wonderful project!
Adults (18 and over category)
First Place – Kennedy Nganga – Friends Meeting

Kennedy Nganga resides in Kenya.
Second Place – Clodagh Healy – Art Inspired by a Female Astronaut

Third Place – Sheila Benedis – “Art Book and Poem Celebrating Myself”

My Real Self
I was named for my father’s mother
Sarah Hannah became Sheila Audrey
I inherited her intelligence
I hope her kindness
I had no exposure to the arts as a child
Neither visual art writing nor music
My mother had many limitations
She could function
Only if there were no problems
But she was a successful math teacher
She couldn’t accept a very intelligent child
Who had severe social shortcomings
My father was the last of nine children
But the first to go to college
Became a lawyer
I never really knew him
He provided for me to go to college
He had a love of reading and writing
But I don’t know about creativity
I’m so happy I’ve incorporated
Poetry into my art
It makes the artist books sing
I was stirred to create in spite
of the love my parents could not give
After starting life with mathematics
I searched for my real self
Completely grown
I discovered my talent for creativity
Nature’s organic shapes
Visual art permeates
Activated by language
Art and poetry flourish
Finally a successful life
I am not a product of my environment
I’ve accomplished so much
Despite recently diagnosed Aspergers
Honorable Mention – Hope McKee – Jennifer

Ms. Jennifer is Hope’s teacher and leads Borderless Dance Community. This group will be participating in Dance the World this summer at Disney World. They will be the first dance troupe that each member has a disability.
Children (Under 18)
First Place – Anaya Pinney – Nature Girl

Anaya is 15-years old and resides in Massachusetts.
Second Place – Sophie Danielle Gonzales – Temple Grandin

Sophie Danielle is 12-years old and resides in the Philippines.
Third Place – Kabir Vernal – Pin Cushion

Kabir, 10-years old, has chosen to draw a pin cushion with thread reels to honour his “Aita” (maternal grandmother) who loves sewing, baking and gardening.
Honorable Mention – Adhyayan Trehan

Nine year old Adhyayan Trehan resides in New Delhi, India.