The Art of Autism has created a separate page for Jeremy Sicile-Kira for the MozArt@OMA online exhibit because Jeremy has detailed descriptions for each of his art pieces.
San Diego-based intuitive artist Jeremy Sicile-Kira is a synesthete – he sees and feels emotion as colors. Voices and music elicit colors as well. In 2012, Jeremy (who is autistic and communicates by typing) began to tell others about his dreams: dreams that he was painting the emotions of people into colorful abstract portraits. One night he dreamt that he painted ten of his paintings and had an art show. Jeremy was encouraged by his mother to make this dream come true, and began to paint in real life. In 2016 his first curated solo art show was covered by national and local media, resulting in a sold-out show and many private commissions.
Jeremy’s mission (when creating commissioned portraits) is to paint and describe what he sees as each person’s inner beauty and true self, so that they may realize how gifted they are, and that they hold the keys inside to overcome any challenges they face.

Truly greatly I dreamt I painted the truly bright beautiful colors of Greta of Frankie Cosmos. Greatly there is a beauty in her music and words. Dearly there is pink for her love of singing nicely and song-making. Truly the guitar is like an extension of her body represented by turquoise really making beautiful music with the band. The true belief people have in the hard work Greta put in to get her where she is today is represented by red. Greatly white is present for the hope that Greta has that she is always doing her best by her fans. There is orange for the great fun she has when she is performing. Truly greatly there is yellow for the happiness Greta feels being able to do what she truly loves. Greatly blue like the sky represents Greta’s growth as a musician and as an individual. Purple is present for the leadership she has taken in her life, but Greta is still really truly trying to find out more about life. Truly there is green for the calm she seeks. Greatly gold and silver are justly present, representing a power from above in the background of her life.

Truly I painted the colors of Dave as he played with his dear friends at the concert nicely in front of a welcoming crowd at the Sleep Train Amphitheater in Chula Vista (San Diego). Truly the concert was nicely the highlight of my dearly short life so far. Frankly the wonderful musicians were frankly connected to each other by the rhythm and their creative energy. Truly I felt their beautiful souls and I frankly felt the colors of the band as they played. Kindly there was orange for the fun the musicians and the crowd of fans shared in the concert space. Light bright green is there for the youthfulness of the sound. Justly there is yellow for the happiness that the audience felt seeing the DMB live in person. There is turquoise for the beautiful kind knowledge of real rhythm that Dave has that can make me feel like a real person with no challenges in my motor abilities. Truly his music helps me to sequence my thoughts and to move my body. Turquoise is for the kind and beautiful soul he has and that touches everyone he meets. Frankly I feel Dave is a very private person so I won’t say more on him except that he is a caring person and helps many through his music and generous donations to important issues of our time. There is purple for the leadership roles he has taken in his life and career that have gotten him to where he is today. There is lavender for the care he has for his band members and family and friends. Pink magenta is for the love that surrounds him especially from his family. Have to say gold and silver represent the hand of God helping the DMB, through loved ones who have passed.

Truly I dreamt I painted the colors of beautiful Carmen in the film version of Bizet’s opera, Carmen, directed by Francesco Rossi. Truly the colors were brilliant and frankly vibrant with the beauty of the opera singer Julia Migenes playing the part of Carmen. Greatly I felt the love that her leading man Don José, played by Plácido Domingo, greatly felt for Carmen. Truly there were other love stories going on but none as great as the love between Carmen and Don Jose. Their love is represented by beautiful hues of bright pink and red. Greatly yellow represents the happiness they felt when they realized they had met their true match in love. Green is for the calm between the passion of the songs they sung to each other. Represented nicely by real blue-like-the-sky, is the hope that they might greatly escape into their own world of nature. Kindly purple was there for the leadership they both had very much before they justly fell in love and were in real trouble. Mighty is their lust and passion represented through song and dance, kindly seen in the color magenta. Orange, brilliant in its brightness, represents the fun-loving Carmen’s spirit for dance and song with her fellow gypsies. White represents the hope that the soldier Don Jose has that great Carmen will accept his undying love and run away with him. Indigo frankly is the knowledge all Carmen’s gypsy friends have that Carmen will do only as she pleases. Great mighty just gold and silver represent the universal love that in this case ends in tragedy for the main characters.

Justly I very much had a dream about the beautiful Safari Park and the amazing animals inside the great enclosures and the happy children with their parents visiting animals, realizing for the first time that the pictures in their baby books were beautiful beings that really were nicely more magnificent than the books led them to believe. Truly very bright green was there representing the calmness of the animals happy in their habitat. Great orange for the justly great fun they are having together. Truly greatly the color pink represents the love and connection between humans and animals.
The beautiful bright yellow is for the sunny days that bring the animals more human admirers. Bright blue like the sky is for the belief in Mother Nature’s loving knowledge of the beautiful great just ways we all need to coexist together on this planet. Nice great lemon yellow is for the great belief in the cleanliness in the idea of a more gradual existence of happy Mother Nature when we take better care of her. Purple represents the leadership of the nonprofit that runs this amazing treasure of life. Lavender is greatly there for the justly care taken by carers of the animals. Truly the spirit of the beautiful butterflies that live there one month a year was present beautifully by the color white for the hope of a new spring every year. Gold and silver representing the justly balanced hand of God was there.

Truly I felt the red of the pain and wilting energy of her brain. Greatly the kind brain was in shock. Belief that my mom was really in pain did greatly make me feel my lifeline was in danger, but I knew from my nice mom that she believed dearly she would recover. Frankly my mom had a long way to go but my mom’s friends and family never lost hope that she would make a full recovery represented by white. Truly my mighty mom always loves to help others but now it was time for others to kindly help her. Greatly mom realized she also had a great support system and had many people who cared for her when she needed it the most, represented by lavender. There is a bit of blue for the knowledge she gained because of this experience and can kindly relate to how I feel even more now. There is green for the calmness she would feel after her appointments when she felt more relaxed and truly felt like she was getting better. Frankly my mom had a lot to do at times and it would make her feel worse and I felt like she was not going to get better. Mom’s concussion dearly has been very much hard on her and me but God’s helping hand is present from above and helping everyone represented by gold and silver.

I frankly dreamt I painted the colors of my really great friend and dog, Handsome. Handsome is my assistance dog and truly he is my bodyguard for life. Truly he is bright green for the calm feeling he greatly justly makes me feel. Lavender is for the caring way he helps me. White is for the hope of frankly having calm every day. Purple is for his ability to lead the way on his leash. Red magenta is for the love I have for him. Truly red is for the anxiety I greatly feel at times. Have to say that blue is for the knowledge that Handsome “gets” me. Handsome understands my feelings. Yellow is for how he greets everyone who comes to visit. Frankly great orange represents the fun we have at the beach and with my friends. Silver and gold represent the power of the Dog Spirits above shining down.