July 2012 Newsletter
The Art of Autism has had a great couple of months with art exhibits, poetry readings, comic book signings, book signings, and our last big event last weekend at the Westside Artwalk in Ventura was amazing! Thanks for all who participated.
Here are some upcoming opportunities. The Art of Autism can answer questions only about opportunities that they sponsor.
Deadline 8/10/2012 The Institue on Disabilities is accepting accepting submissions for consideration for our 2013 Calendar. Go here for more information. http://eepurl.com/nIHOv
Deadline 8/17/2012- CORE 8 brought to you by Arts & Services for Disabled, Inc. and the National Arts and Disability Center of UCLA – Several of our artists particpated in this last year.
Deadline 1/13/2013 – Embracing Our Differences which puts up Billboard size art in Sarasota is looking for artists and quotation writers for their 10th annual exhibit. http://www.embracingourdifferences.org/contact.html
In other news, watch our website for changing posts honoring the artists who participate in our collaborative. If you are being honored and would like a headline post email theartofautism@gmail.com
Visit our website at www.artautism.com
The Art of Autism was on the front cover of the VC Reporter last week. Seven artists talk about autism and the arts as part of this edition.
Read the article here http://www.vcreporter.com/cms/story/detail/on_the_spectrum_art_and_autism/10010/
This exhibit garnered a LOT of attention with over 1,000 people visiting it. The general public was blown away with the talent and we’ve received offers for other exhibits through participating at this venue.
Please like us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/theartofautism
If you would like to volunteer, we have lots of opportunities for people who know web design and social media. We also need help in areas where we do exhibits setting up and tearing down.
we are posting some of the accomplishments of artists on our website at www.artautism.com If you have something to broadcast, please let me know and we’ll get it on our website or facebook page. I’m also working on updating the art gallery and our database. Please email me your name, address, and website if you don’t think I have it.
You can help instantly by placing a link to our project – www.artautism.com on your website!
We are now working under the umbrella of the nonprofit – Celebrate Autism Foundation. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, let me know. We need donations for framing art, supplies, and travel for artists to our venues.
We are also thinking of opening an online store of prints/cards for the holiday season with the majority of proceeds to benefit the artists. If you would like to participate in this venture, let me know. Please feel free to forward to other creatives on the spectrum!