Autism Unveiled Week 5
Who are you?
I am an author, artist, and special needs advocate. I am a messenger.
How does autism effect you?
Autism does not define me as unable, it gives me the ability to do more. I have daily challenges and struggles, but my disability has become my ABILITY to contribute to help changing the earth’s environment and raise the awareness of special talents among those with different abilities.
This is Temple Grandin with me.
I reduce, reuse, and recycle magazines, calendars, wallpaper, posters, food wrappers, puzzles and more. Each work of art contains 1000’s of cut or torn pieces of recycled paper. I use cool colors,cool shapes and cool textures..I call my art “COOLAGES.”

Grant Manier, Texas, U.S.A.
Grant’s website is
Grant Manier is part of the Autism Unveiled Project – 6 weeks of posts by Autistic people commencing on April 2, 2015, World Autism Awareness Day.
Thank you Grant for coming out and speaking today at our police rally. I am honored to have met you today. Your art work is amazing!
Hi Grant,
I love the term “eco art.” Your pieces are stunning. I didn’t realize how large scale they were until I looked at your website. I’m wondering where you obtain your materials?
Grant, your work is mesmerizing. Such a great idea to use your creative passions as an outlet for helping the environment. I am amazed by the depth and texture of these pieces. What sort of space do you work in?
Wow! How long does your art take to create? Do you start with a plan and then work from that or do you start in and let it become on its own?