Emma: an #Autistic girl whose body and mouth-words do not always pay attention to her bright and wise mind

Autism Unveiled April 2, World Autism Awareness Day 2015

“The people of this world need to be exposed to difference and then shown compassion for their ignorance and limited thinking.” Emma Zurcher


I am an Autistic teenager whose body and mouth-words do not always pay attention to my bright and wise mind.

I am able to communicate well with words, but people don’t expect me to, so when they see me typing they eagerly watch, but they don’t listen to what I write as much as they listen to the words tumbling from my mouth.

Having a voice after years of being ignored saves me from treacherous loss. Years of nothing makes the smart ideas percolate. It is a strong force within, waiting for encouragement.

Believe in your Autistic child above all else, then stand with them and watch them be the person who believes in you.

Emma Zurcher, 13 years old, New York

Emma wants to share these blogs:
Emma’s Hope Book
Emma’s Hope Book – The Impact of Believing in Incapability
Mistaken Beliefs People Have
What We Attach Ourselves to When We are Most Afraid

Emma is part of the Autism Unveiled Project. Six weeks of posts by people on the autism spectrum ending on April 2, 2015, World Autism Awareness Day.

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