Angela Weddle

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About Angela

My name is Angela Weddle. I’m originally from New Orleans, LA and currently live in San Antonio, TX. I am 34. My hobbies include writing poetry, performing poetry and spoken word, stand-up comedy, reading and learning to make electronic music. I’ve had experience with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil since the original 12.9 inch model came out. As an autistic artist, it lets me engage with certain traditional mediums I avoid using due to sensory issues. I have been extremely impressed by the responsiveness of the Apple Pencil. Having come from a primarily traditional background, it was very important that I felt that I was still having a tactile experience making art. I have not been disappointed. As a physically disabled artist and part-time wheelchair user with cerebral palsy and other conditions, and a person who cannot drive, I can bring my entire studio with me daily. I am no longer lugging an easel, paint, canvas, panels, brushes, water, etc. around the city. I also find that working with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil lets me create art that most closely matches the vision in my mind. I can use tools that can only exist digitally. I can combine with with traditional techniques, tools, and processes. It is an exciting merger and discovery every time I create with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil.
Ronaldo Byrd

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About Ronaldo

My name is Ronaldo Byrd and I am a 29-year-old contemporary artist. I was born in Brooklyn, NY, but I reside in Burlington, NJ with my family. I love golfing, listening to music, going to the movies and playing video games. I have never had experience with the iPad Pro, but I am familiar with painting and drawing on the computer. My advice for using the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil would be to think as creatively as possible and then just go for it!
Kimberly Gerry-Tucker

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About Kimberly

My name is Kimberly Gerry-Tucker. I’m 53, the author of an autism memoir, a QA software tester, and artist from Seymour, Connecticut. My hobbies are raising insects, designing faerie villages, and the study of trees (among other things!) I’ve never owned an iPad. What fun to paint with digital pencils! I feel confident I can reach a higher level with what I have been capable of creating and insofar of all the creations I have in mind, with more practice and new exciting apps. I had used Corel and Photoshop on my laptop before, but I’ve never used a pencil in digital art. With iPad Pro, no clean-up! What an excellent product. I’m so thrilled to have been chosen as I’m just beginning to open up new worlds of creation.
Jalyn Weston

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About Jalyn

My name is Jalyn Bishop Weston. I am 15 and an artist from Sweetwater, TN. My hobbies include writing, drawing and even dabbing in extra-curricular forms of art like sculpting, oil painting and animating. I have not had any other experience with the iPad for creating art before. I really love how the Ipad Pro and Apple Pencil collaborate together. There is no limit as to what you can create with this pencil, and it frees up most of the limitations you would have if you made art with just a brush or any other drawing utensil.
Joel Anderson

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About Joel

My name is Joel Anderson. I am 27 years old and live in Fallbrook, California. I have always had a passion for art and started drawing when I was five and painting when I was eleven. I enjoy using my creativity in animation, video productions, children’s books and painting. I love traveling internationally and have spoken about autism in China, Peru, Canada and across the US. This is my first experience creating art on iPad. I’m so happy that I was chosen to be a part of the Created on iPad project! Using the Apple Pencil on iPad Pro was like making magic with my art. It really energizes my art. I like being able to take iPad with me and create art on the go. Apple Temecula put together a great team of Creative Pros to work with me on learning how to use iPad and Apple Pencil. The Creative Pros taught me unique skills and really inspired me! Using Apple Pencil was so real it’s like I am actually drawing or painting.
Wen of Zen

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About Wen of Zen

I go by the artist name Wen of Zen. I’m 47 from Nashville, TN. My hobbies are rock collecting, quantum physics, computing, genetics and everything science. Because I was a tech nerd before we were cool, I purchased the first iPad in 2010. The power of iPad Pro, combined with the versatility and responsiveness of iPad applications to the Apple Pencil, allow me to enjoy the actual creation of my art. The iPad Pro is like being in the largest and most diverse art studio in the universe. If you can see it in your head, you can see it anywhere now.
David Idell

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About David

David Idell, 24, resides in Thousand Oaks, CA. David has never had iPad Pro experience before and worked with Keri Bowers, co-founder of the Art of Autism on his creations. Though he uses few words to communicate, David’s ability to express ideas, thoughts, and desires through art, mixing colors, including the fulfillment of paid commissions of pet portraiture, is uncanny.
Exceptional Minds

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About Exceptional Minds
Exceptional Minds is a non-profit and visual effects school and studio located in Sherman Oaks, CA, for young adults on the autism spectrum. The five artists who submitted their art from Exceptional Minds are Craig Hills, Dylan Carbonell, Micheal Shiu, Naseem Sabokpey, and Kate Jorgensen.
Cover image: Wen of Zen “Joy”