Aaron: Activist, Folklorist, Writer, Doctoral Student, and Proud Aspergian
byAutism Unveiled Week 1 I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at age five in 1993 by one of the pioneering researchers of autism, B.J….
Blog posts from #ActuallyAutistic people. In 2018 the Art of Autism started paying neurodivergent bloggers.
Autism Unveiled Week 1 I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at age five in 1993 by one of the pioneering researchers of autism, B.J….
Autism Unveiled Week 1 Who am I and how is autism part of me? I was born in Wales, UK, about six months before…
Autism Unveiled: Week 1 “Autism is my superpower. It has taught me to overcome my physical, mental, and social difficulties.” Michael Whary I was…
Autism Unveiled Week 1, Day 1 Who am I? Making dinner for my wife, coaching an autistic person in preparation for successful self-advocacy, seeing…
Autism Unveiled: Week One, Day One “Who am I?” I am a work-in-progress. A tumble of innocence and insight, wonder and poetry, music and…
The following is an excerpt from Jennifer O’Toole’s upcoming 6th book, The Sisterhood of the Spectrum: An Asperger Chick’s Guide to Life Girls are…
I often wonder how children brought up with the emphasis on fitting in even survive, why they are not crushed by the weight of…
By Erik Estabrook I can sum up life in one basic phrase “Believe In The Journey.” Believe that things will balance out and that…