By Mark Hutton
Most kids, teens, and adults with Aspergers have a bunch of positive traits that more than make-up for any negative ones. One Aspie asserted, “Thank God I have Aspergers!” Let’s look at just a few of the positive traits that many with Asperger’s may have.
Most Aspies:
- are able to easily forgive others
- are conscientious, reliable, and honest
- are enthusiastic and have a propensity for obsessive research, thus developing a broad and deep base of knowledge in subjects of interest
- are free of prejudice
- are intelligent and talented
- are less inclined to be fickle or bitchy than their neurotypical counterparts
- are more likely than those of the general population to pursue a university education
- are not inclined to lie to others
- are not inclined to steal from others
- are not likely to be bullies, con artists, or social manipulators
- are not motivated by an intense social drive to spend time with whoever happens to be available
- are persistent, and when they set their minds to something or make a promise, they can usually be trusted to follow through
- are unlikely to launch unprovoked attacks, verbal or otherwise
- are untainted by the judgments that people often make regarding one another’s social position or social skills
- are very accepting of the quirks and idiosyncrasies of others
- bring a highly original perspective to problem solving
- can be selective, choosing honest, genuine, dependable people who share their interests
- can bring up a variety of interesting facts
- can listen to people’s problems and provide a fresh perspective, offering pure assessments based on the information provided
- can recall fine details that others miss
- can relax and be themselves without fearing social censure
- don’t attack the reputations of those around them
- don’t discriminate against anyone based on race, gender, age, or any other surface criteria
- don’t force others to live up to demanding social expectations
- don’t have hidden agendas
- don’t play head games
- don’t take advantage of other’s weaknesses
- don’t usually recognize hierarchies, and so are unlikely to give someone superior status simply because that person is wealthy or has attained a high position in an organization
- have a good work ethic
- have a lot of passion when engaging in activities they like, which may translate into a talent for certain athletic pursuits
- have a tendency to adhere to routines
- have above-average intelligence
- have an acute sensitivity that supports creative talents
- have exceptional memories
- have extreme endurance
- have high integrity
- have no interest in harming others
- have one or more highly developed talents
- have talents for swimming, rowing, running, bodybuilding, or other activities that require sustained physical effort
- have values that aren’t shaped by financial, social, or political influences
- judge people based on their behavior – not the color of their skin or socioeconomic status
- like to spend time alone and are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves
- loathe small talk and trivialities, preferring instead to talk about significant things that will enhance their knowledge base
- make very good employees if able to control their pace and work within either a solitary or socially supportive environment
- pay attention to detail
- stick to their positions, even in the face of intense social pressure
- tend to become proficient in the technological media required for lucrative employment in the “information age”
- tend to prefer individual sports to team sports, as there are no social demands and they can exercise complete control over the activity
- who develop an interest in sport or fitness are likely to work at it every day, often for long periods of time
- will not go along with the crowd if they know that something is wrong
Source of this article:
Permission to reprint given by Mark Hutton.
Mark Hutton, M.A. is a Counseling Psychologist, Home-Based Family Therapist and Online Parent Coach at
Header image: Wen of Zen “Brain on Spectrum”
Bingo. Nice detailed INFO.
Sorry,but I didn’t get past the first one – “able to easily forgive”. I am an NT person and have had associations with 2 aspies. Despite helping them both by doing work for them,cooking,transporting,being supportive etc etc for nothing in return,at the first disagreement/communication breakdown both individuals decided to end their relationships with me.One was even a cousin,who I now havent seen for over 10 years.As long as everything’s going in their favour they’re ok with you.But when it’s not……..
Different planet alright
I guess that this probably related to what you actually said. We have very strong values, certain fundamental ‘lines in the sand’. If you cross the line it doesn’t matter how much you feel you have invested in a relationship with us.
So we (Asperger’s) have the opposite of psychopathy, it’s a shame more people don’t have our “disorder”.
Another very important trait that we have is a much higher AQ (Altruistic Quotient) than ordinary people.
In a post-apocalyptic world our people would thrive.
My hypothesis is, Asperger’s people are a halfway stage (link) in devolution between Cro-Magnons and modern man (domesticated man). Like a dingo is halfway between a wolf and a dog.
I personally remember waking up from sleeping and saying to myself, “Thank you God for giving me Asperger’s”.
Sorry, but I beg to differ on the very first positive aspect of Asperger’s that you list.Forgiving. I have known 2 people with Asperger’s,one a cousin. I treated both very well -doing work for them for free, inviting them for meals etc.really going out of my way for them.Unfortunately with both people I had , what to an NT person ,would be a minor disagreement. Without further ado both of them just turned their backs instantly and despite attemps at reconcilliation I haven’t seen either now for years.
In my limited knowledge of the subject I find it tends to be the Aspies themselves who produce these great lists of their positive attributes,and some actually are correct.However since they are generally unable to recognise feelings in themselves let alone others I think these attributes are more often than not dillusional. Sadly,and I mean this genuinely,the negative traits to me far outweigh the positive.
They do though need to believe themselves that they have all these positive traits though,to understandably make sense of the world
Wow, Stephen it sounds like you hate neurodiversity, which just proves how effed up this world really is because of the asshats like yourself, sir.
The wrong you see in the world is just a reflection of your own putrid and corrupted self.
You pretty much confirmed most of the points listed in this article, especially number 6, which says “are less inclined to be fickle or bitchy than their neurotypical counterparts”.
You can be better than that.
Have a great day
You said it yourself, the disagreements were over something minor to an NT person. But while lying is a minor issue to you, it’s a deal- breaker for many of us. While I don’t know the exact circumstances, you sound like you’re very proud of yourself for going so far out of your way to help this poor, stupid, lowly little autists. We do realize when we’re being patronized.
Not proud of myself at all,and have no idea what gave you that idea.I do “good deeds” for anyone when possible,not just aspies.I’m not asking for anything in return,but in my experiences these deeds haven’t counted for anything with the aspies. I can see now why you may find it difficult to maintain relationships. Just sad to discover that what seemed like good relationships could be thrown away so easily.
Empathy is something you just cannot do according to the infofmation I have on Aspergers.
Couldn’t be more true
Agree with Mary and Gabriel vs aka Stephens response. Mr Stephens”, first off your into to respond to Mary’s and Gabriel’s comments comes off defensive (practically over self righteous)and immediate emphasizing more concerns after how ur self felt, (vs other pointers, solutions) , writing ; “going out of ur way “,well if such “going out of your way” was too much for u obviously you were expecting unrealistic expectation from get go. Then, to continuing-argument probably maybe u-can-work on have less hang ups. Aspies or not (or any -being would have Opinions ) ) that day , would have to side with aspies BOTH were in their Right mind to ditch ur small mindness. Thou sorry to hear thangs didn’t work out as ur high hope set out that per day, . Sometimes there’s Life with curveballs, if there were not f would drop from the word life and world word and be left Lie.
I agree with not going along with the crowd, as it depresses me how people admire over hyped and talentless celebs, just because the media constantly force them in our faces.
This is just a list of positive characteristics someone MAY have. Aspies are all different, just as all humans are different. We’re not all alike, there’s no mold or cookie cutter that fits all. Getting hung up on one characteristic on the list, just because you’ve encountered a couple people who didn’t seem to fit, is missing the point and nature of the list.
I happen to be incredibly forgiving and very slow to anger. I used to be very reactive when I was younger though, so these qualities may not have been as obvious back then from the outside looking in. In fact, I almost never experience anger, indignation at wrongs and injustice in the world, but very rarely do I feel angry. Everyone is different. Try not to assume everyone will be the same even if they do have the same “label”.
Unfortunately I don’t consider being unforgiving as a pleasant “value” . It’s just another aspect of black and white thinking in a world of colour.
Fortunately for aspies the majority of NT’s realise the cognitive impairment you cannot help and will make allowances,but as is often the case with AS/NT interactions that courtesy is not reciprocated.
Not in my experience anyway.
I don’t care much either way about forgiveness as either a positive or negative trait, but I am surprised to see it listed here. I have known many Aspies and none of them were particularly forgiving people, so I would have thought they were quite the opposite. Fascinating.
It’s been suggested to me that i may have Aspergers. As a child, i was drawn to, well draw, and was considered a talented artist thru high school and college. I had always framed that as me using art and projects as an escape from a difficult relationship with my parents, where alcoholism, violence and emotional restrictions were my noms then. I was solitary, and my love of literature would go on to pay off in my academic studies.
I’m 52 now and have come to believe i likely could have Asperger’s.
BUT, THESE TRUTHS suggest i might not:
When i read that people with this lack EMPATHY, that’s the OPPOSITE of my character.
I’ve been diagnosed with DYSLEXIA as well, and i’d say ADD on top of it.
I was not said to have delays in mental and emotional development, but again, the opposite.
I’d go on to become obese, and then developed anorexia and bulimia. and that i struggled with for three decades. There’s been some investigative theory that for women, which I’m not, that anorexia nervosa in women, at least, that Aspergers may be both part of what leads into the eating disorder and as a sign of that for women itself.
I’m asocial, prefer alone time, and have depression and generalized anxiety disorder as well as the eating disorder.
I can be a little obsessive about relationships, and that in and of Borderline-Personality-Disorder’s trait i recognize.
Then is it possible i’m looking and grasping at a “TITLE” to take away responsibility and an honest self-evaluation i’m trying to close the book about?
Is this possibly my seized-upon psychological meal-ticket that i’d like to use to explain my meal-ticket being abused by?
I wonder if this self-diagnosis is part of that easy-out taking, like when they say after a person looks up a diagnosis and then assumes by hysteria that they have ever disease and disorder they’ve read about?
I have so many questions, and i know it’s not your responsibility to diagnosis me in a usual 50-minute therapeutic evaluation.
If i MAY have Aspergers, WHERE can i get evaluated for it?
Thank you. ,