Thank you art contestants and Art of Autism Board member Kimberly Gerry-Tucker for curating a children’s art contest in March 2019 for Women’s History Month. Each winning entry received a Gift Certificate from Dick Blick. Gift certificates were provided to the Art of Autism from Art Lifting’s Community Partner Fund.
Here are the winners:
1. Alyssa diCarlo, Age 18, New York, Portrait of J Lo

2. Aratrika Muharkjee, Age 11, from India submitted drawings of 5 Indian Goddesses.

3. Ishan Guha, Age 10, Goddess Durga, he depicts her, in his words as “Angry Maa Durga”

4. Zalie Copeland, Age 15, Australia, Lady Gaga

Enjoy the art! We look forward to next year’s contest.