Autism ShiftJune 17, 2021<May 4, 2023 A Celebration of the Autistic Mind on #AutisticPrideDay by admin ‘’I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing…
#ActuallyAutistic Perspective, Advocacy, Womens History MonthMarch 27, 2021<March 1, 2023 A March Call for Action As We Celebrate Women’s History and Developmental Disability Awareness by admin As advocates we must embrace intersectionality in all we do because no movement’s issues are isolated issues. By Nicole LeBlanc As we celebrate Women’s…
Art of Autism Poems and Art for PeaceSeptember 12, 2020<September 12, 2020 The Art of Autism’s 5th Annual Art & Poems for Peace Initiative 2020 – Series III by admin This is the 3rd in a series titled The Art of Autism’s 5th Annual Art & Poems for Peace Initiative 2020. See the first…
Art Gallery, Art of Autism Past Projects, ArtistsJuly 19, 2019<August 13, 2019 Transformational art installation of autistic artist at behavioral services firm by admin The Art of Autism encourages businesses, especially those that serve autistic people, to display the art work of autistic artists on their walls. The…
AdvocacyJune 18, 2019<May 4, 2023 The Art of Autism celebrates Autistic Pride Day by admin Autism is not a disease… it is a difference. My ribbon celebrates these differences by including words that I associate with who I am….