EmploymentOctober 8, 2015<August 25, 2018 Autism at work: Why #autistic people make good employees by admin After eating the chocolate, I asked him what he thought of the taste. He said “It tastes romantic!” The chocolate is exactly that. No…
Autism UnveiledFebruary 26, 2015<August 22, 2018 Eddie: unlimited creative ideas, inspiring person with #Autism by admin Autism Unveiled Week 2 Hello, this is my creativity my creative brain I have so many ideas and I get anxious I have so…
In the NewsMarch 30, 2014<August 31, 2018 Spirit, Interdependence, and Connections at the Fred Conference by admin by Debra Hosseini Yesterday and today I had the honor of attending the FRED Conference which focuses on homes and jobs for special needs…